
Le Petit Journal - 2013

Behind this immense blue advertisement for a newspaper of the end of XIXth century, you’ll see that this building is hiding a doll workshop inspired by cabinet of curiosity of XVIIIth century and artist studio of Montmartre. A young man has just pasted a poster about Coluche. He was a humourist, actor, provocator and agitator by his social pronoucements, he presented himself in the french presidentail election of 1981 against François Mitterrand.

Cette façade semble dissimuler un vieil atelier de poupées.

Il y règne

inspiré des cabinets de curiosités de la Rive Gauche.

Une affiche pour le candidat Coluche à l’élection présidentielle de1981 contre François Mitterrand.

Ces mains souillées de colle fraîche le trahissent.

    Laurent  Chéhère